Informative Meeting and 2018 – 2019 Executive Committee Selection

The first meeting was organized as an informative meeting for which the main objectives of the SEG and METU Student Chapter were presented for the new members of the student chapter. Previously organized events (seminars, field trip and workshops), that took place during 2016-2017 & 2017-2018 terms, were introduced. 

For the new executive committee selection, the duties of each member of the committee were explained and a new executive committee selection was conducted for the 2018-2019 academic term. At the end of the meeting, some inspirational quotes from famous scientists were shared for the new members to be influenced, inspired, and motivated by the very first meeting for the upcoming semester. 

Location: GR125, Department of Geological Engineering, METU

Date and Time: 02.10.2018 – 18.00